7 Effective ways to achieve great customer experience for your small business website

Reading time: ~7 Minutes
Achieve great customer experience

Building a loyal customer following can be easy if your clients have a great customer experience. Whether it is on your website, phone, or face-to-face, it is important for you to build a great relationship with your customers. Unlike the fortune 500 companies, your small business has a real opportunity to create a personalized customer experience. By regularly reaching out, getting to know by name, and even remembering the faces of your customers makes them feel valued and the interactions more memorable.

Your customers are your biggest opportunity for growth.

Why is cx important

Digital customer experience is so important because it’s what helps customers form an opinion of your business. Offering a seamless digital CX builds trust and connection with the customer and can convince them to buy from you.

How to do it right for your small business website:

1. Make it easy and smooth to navigate your website:

A bad customer experience on your website is capable of tarnishing growth. The visitors will get upset if you make it difficult for them to traverse the website and not help them find what they want.

Ko Marketing says that more than 47% of website visitors check out the company’s products/services page before exploring any other section. So your site’s usability goes a long way in helping your customers have a fantastic experience.

2. Make your website load faster:

Now, this is one vital step to improving your customer experience on websites. A few extra seconds to load your website could mean catastrophic effects in terms of revenue.

In fact, let us shock you with some numbers here. A one-second delay in page load time could mean the following:

Another study says that more than 47% of customers expect a website to load in less than 2 seconds. 40% will abandon a page if it takes 3 or more seconds, a statistic that is even scarier.

3. Be consistent across your entire website:

Content is king and design is the queen! Blend them in the best possible way to enhance your customer experience on the website. You might have the most valuable content available on your website, but if it is housed in designs that can be considered mediocre at best, you would never inspire your customers to take action. People like hanging around on websites that are sleek, stylish, and pack a punch. A small misspelling can spell doom for you if gone unchecked for a long time.

Using the wrong color or having the wrong layout can make a lot of difference to the discerning eye. Adobe says that 38% of people will stop browsing through a website if the layout is unattractive

4. Provide quality easy-to-understand content on your website:

Good content is undoubtedly a great way to improve the customer experience on the website and generate more sales. Break down the content you want to be written into simple ideas and then draft them accordingly.

The website copy should not be bland either, the more interesting the better. In the content, tell your customers how your product can make a difference in their lives.

5. Know your customers:

First, you need to thoroughly understand your target audience and what they might want from your website. Knowing your customer has never been more important — it dictates everything from personalization campaigns to how involved you should be on your digital channels

6. Constantly optimize:

Digital technologies and platforms are continuously evolving, so even those marketing teams that already have a digital customer experience strategy should not sit back. It’s important to constantly evaluate your digital CX and look for ways to achieve your goals, either by bolstering existing campaigns or trying new channels.

7. Gather customer feedback:

Customer feedback is a valuable resource for optimization, as are the data trends that emerge from platforms such as your CRM, website analytics, and marketing automation programs. You can always improve your digital CX. Keep experimenting and optimizing.

Offer personalization: By delivering personalized experiences, you not only meet the specific desires of your customers but also foster a positive and memorable interaction. And this will help you to set your brand apart from competitors. When a brand shows that it understands and cares about its customers, it forges a special connection that goes beyond a transactional relationship